Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What is Newa Guthi?

Newars are socialists. They make groups in a community to maintain the living and surroundings of their place known as Newa Guthi. They organize feast, festivals and maintains the natural heritage of their places. The Newa guthi has primary importance than a family as it unites the whole community and decides the right or wrong for the community.

Who are the Newars?

Nepal is small landlocked country with different ethnic groups with their own culture, tradition and languages.Even with such a diversity, Nepal is known for a tradition of harmony. 
Among those many ethnic groups in Nepal, Newars are one of the indigenous people dwelling in the Kathmandu valley for centuries. They are rich in their culture, architecture, arts and crafts, festivals, food and many more that make them unique. Their major occupation was agriculture. But the scenario has changed with the passing time and Newars has spread their hands in other technical and professional fields as well. There is a drastic change in the 21st century as a mixture of many old Kathmandu with the migration from the outside valley. 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

How to make Wo:(Bara)

Well Newa dishes are always known for its authentication. When you go to any Nepali restaurant in the world, you will find the dish menus of Newas, infact 75%. Perhaps spending money in the restaurant can be very expensive for you. So, here we go, we will make our own Wo: at home...

First of all, the list of essential elements to make Wo: are:-

1. Haku Myaa (Black Pulses)
2. Hing (Asafoetida)
3. Labaa (Garlic)
4. Chee (Salt)

Now the procedure...

1. Black pulses has to be soaked in water for overnight or atleast for 2 hrs in luke warm water. After that it starts to peel off the blacks of the pulses and rinse it as many times as the pulses becomes clean.

2. Now bring it to grinder and blend it completely.

3. Add a spoon of Hing, salt and minced garlic to the blended pulses. (for a pound of pulses, 1 table spoon of Hing and proportionally and salt as desired )

4. Stir it properly.

5. Bring a non-stick thick pan to heat and put little cooking oil.

6. Put 1 big spoon of blended pulses on it and spread it round about 3inches of radius.

7. spread little bit of oil on top of the cooking pulses and turn it over. Do this unless it becomes brownish or yellowish.

8. Reapeat 6 and 7 unless you made Wo: for your whole family.

9. Now, our Wo:s are ready to serve as an appetizer with meat gravy, with samayabajee or as ur wish.

10. Lastly, we have whole bunch to clean up now...

Moreover, We can add egg or kima(minced meat) to pulses to make more delicious wo:(bara).

(P.S. Egg or minced meat has to be added after no.6 and continue from no. 7)

[Any comments, questions, or suggestions are heartly welcome]